비영리 소셜미디어 전문가인 Beth Kanter의 책이 8월에 번역이 되어 한국에 소개가 된다고 합니다.
ChangeON에서도 Beth Kanter가 소개한 “비영리 조직의 소셜미디어 활용 능력에 대한 자가 진단”을 소개한 적이 있는데요..
관련하여 관심 있으신 분들은 잊지 말고 챙겨 보세요!!
- 제목: The Networked Nonprofit: Connecting with Social Media to Drive Change
- 저자: Beth Kanter & Allison H. Fine
- 출판사: Jossey-Bass
- 서문: Randi Zuckerberg(Marketing Director of Facebook)
- 추천: Seth Godin, Clay Shirky, Guy Kawasaki, Craig Newmark, Holly Ross 등
- 저자 홈페이지: http://www.bethkanter.org
- 한국어판 출판 예정: 2011년 8월
- 한국어판 출판사: (주)허브서울
- 한국어판 번역: 임팩트스퀘어
- 저자(Beth Kanter) 소개:
Beth is the author of Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media (http://www.bethkanter.org), one of the longest running and most popular blogs for nonprofits and co-author of the fortcoming book, The Networked Nonprofit, to be published by J. Wiley in 2010. Beth is the CEO of Zoetica, a company that serves nonprofits and socially conscious companies with top-tier, online marketing services. Beth contributed a chapter to “Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofit Leaders,” edited by NTEN both published in 2009. A much in demand speaker and trainer, she was the keynote speaker for the Cambodian Bloggers Conference in Phnom Penh, The Connecting Up Conference in Brisbane, Australia, Minnesota Council on Nonprofits, Making Media Conference in Chicago and others. She has presented about nonprofits and social media at some of the leading social media industry conferences including O’Reilly’s Graphing Social Patterns, Gnomedex, SWSX, Blogher, and Podcamp.She curated NTEN’s “We Are Media: Nonprofit Social Media Starter Kit,” an online community of people from nonprofits who are interested in learning and teaching about how social media strategies and tools can enable nonprofit organizations to create, compile, and distribute their stories and change the world. In 2009, she was named by Fast Company Magazine as one of the most influential women in technology and one of Business Week’s “Voices of Innovation for Social Media.” She is the Visting Scholar for Social Media and Nonprofits for the Packard Foundation.
Beth is the author of Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media (http://www.bethkanter.org), one of the longest running and most popular blogs for nonprofits and co-author of the fortcoming book, The Networked Nonprofit, to be published by J. Wiley in 2010. Beth is the CEO of Zoetica, a company that serves nonprofits and socially conscious companies with top-tier, online marketing services. Beth contributed a chapter to “Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission: A Strategic Guide for Nonprofit Leaders,” edited by NTEN both published in 2009. A much in demand speaker and trainer, she was the keynote speaker for the Cambodian Bloggers Conference in Phnom Penh, The Connecting Up Conference in Brisbane, Australia, Minnesota Council on Nonprofits, Making Media Conference in Chicago and others. She has presented about nonprofits and social media at some of the leading social media industry conferences including O’Reilly’s Graphing Social Patterns, Gnomedex, SWSX, Blogher, and Podcamp.
She curated NTEN’s “We Are Media: Nonprofit Social Media Starter Kit,” an online community of people from nonprofits who are interested in learning and teaching about how social media strategies and tools can enable nonprofit organizations to create, compile, and distribute their stories and change the world. In 2009, she was named by Fast Company Magazine as one of the most influential women in technology and one of Business Week’s “Voices of Innovation for Social Media.” She is the Visting Scholar for Social Media and Nonprofits for the Packard Foundation. (From Amazon)
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- Beth Kanter의 비영리 소셜미디어 블로그 (영문)
- 당신의 조직은 소셜미디어를 잘 활용하고 있습니까? (자가 진단 소개)